Home office, homeschooling, childcare, household & co
Families in crisis. In times like these, it can be challenging to manage the balancing act between working from home, home schooling, childcare, household and family.
Counteract everyday stress with B vitamins!
- Teachers’ tasks trundle into the inbox
- E-mails from work pop up and need to be processed
- The washing machine beeps – the laundry is ready
- The smoke from burnt food wafts through the apartment
- The fridge should be restocked
All these daily tasks that need to be mastered can push us to the limits of our resilience and lead to stress, time pressure and exhaustion.
There is no general solution to this challenging time. However, there is a way to strengthen your body mentally, become more resilient and regain more energy.
Find out how you can support your body to cope better with stressful situations, minimise stress in everyday life and increase performance with B vitamins.
B vitamins are essential for the psyche, resilience and energy!
The need to take B vitamins is generally recognised. What is less well known is which B vitamins are available and what they are needed for.
All B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins. This means that the body can excrete excess material, while fat-soluble vitamins cannot be excreted. On the other hand, water-soluble vitamins cannot be stored in the body for a long period of time. We are therefore dependent on a regular supply of all water-soluble vitamins.
What B vitamins are there?
Find out in the tips below how vitamin B deficiency symptoms manifest themselves, which foods contain which B vitamins and how you can use them to support your body, increase your energy levels and thus minimise stress.
Thiamine or vitamin B1
Vitamin B1 has an important function in the metabolism of carbohydrates as well as in the functionality of the nervous system.
This means that thiamine not only replenishes energy reserves, but also improves mental resilience.
What happens with a mild vitamin B1 deficiency?
There are disturbances in the cardiovascular system and neurological problems such as lack of concentration, depression, increased irritability and anxiety.
What are important sources of thiamine?
Wholemeal products, wheat germ, wholemeal flours, pork, nuts and almonds.
Riboflavin or vitamin B2
Vitamin B2 is important in energy metabolism and in the metabolism of proteins and fats.
Riboflavin is also a powerful antioxidant and is involved in the formation of nerve messengers (neurotransmitters). The skin, mucous membranes and eyes also benefit from a regular intake of riboflavin.
How does a vitamin B2 deficiency manifest itself?
Mainly in changes to the appearance of the skin and eye problems such as vitreous opacity and cataracts.
In which foods is riboflavin found?
In animal offal, dairy products, wholemeal cereals and cereal sprouts.
Niacin or vitamin B3
Vitamin B3 is involved in the formation and breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Niacin also supports the skin and the detoxification function of the liver.
How does a vitamin B3 deficiency manifest itself?
A vitamin B3 deficiency manifests itself in skin changes as well as fatigue, irritability, insomnia and anxiety.
Which foods are rich in niacin?
Animal liver, peanuts, fish, peas and dried apricots have a high niacin content.
Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 plays a major role in energy metabolism and is involved in the formation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This is particularly important for concentration and memory. In times of stress, pantothenic acid is increasingly used up, which is why vitamin B5 is also known as the “anti-stress vitamin”.
How does a pantothenic acid deficiency manifest itself?
This manifests itself in tiredness, fatigue and burning pain in the toes and soles of the feet.
What are good sources of pantothenic acid?
Herrings, egg yolk, liver, wheat bran and mushrooms.
Pyridoxine or vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is a component of amino acid metabolism, is required for the formation of nerve messengers, promotes the breakdown of vascular-damaging homocysteine and supports the formation of haemoglobin (red blood pigment).
What are the symptoms of a vitamin B6 deficiency?
It is interesting to note that a vitamin B6 deficiency can also manifest itself in dreamlessness. It can also lead to depression, anxiety, insomnia, anaemia, migraines and skin inflammation.
Which foods have a good pyridoxine content?
Pyridoxine is mainly found in brewer’s yeast, salmon, beef liver, soya beans, wholemeal oats and walnuts.
Biotin or vitamin B7
Biotin is known as the “skin-hair-nails” vitamin. However, it is also very important for energy metabolism and the nervous system.
How do I notice a biotin deficiency?
Through problems with the skin, fatigue, panic attacks and hair loss.
Which foods provide high amounts of biotin?
Liver, yeast, soya and nuts are good sources of biotin.
Folic acid or vitamin B9
Folic acid is necessary for the formation of nerve messengers, for protein metabolism, for fertility, for the growth of babies in the womb but also after birth, for haematopoiesis and for the complete breakdown of homocysteine, which damages blood vessels.
How do you recognise a folic acid deficiency?
A folic acid deficiency can be recognised by changes in the blood count. A deficiency increases the risk of heart attack and stroke due to reduced homocysteine breakdown. A folic acid deficiency can also promote foetal malformations, depression and mental disorders.
How can I replenish my folic acid supply?
By reaching for good sources of folic acid such as liver, soya beans, oatmeal, eggs and green vegetables (broccoli, spinach,…).
Cobalamin or vitamin B12
Like folic acid, cobalamin is involved in the breakdown of homocysteine. It is also important for the immune system, protein utilisation, blood formation and the development of nerve tissue. As vitamin B12 cannot be produced by plants, the supply from food is not sufficient in a vegan diet. It should therefore be considered whether the need for vitamin B12 should be covered by taking food supplements.
What are the signs of a cobalamin deficiency?
A deficiency manifests itself in changes in the blood count, sensory disturbances, memory disorders and loss of nerve function.
Where is vitamin B12 found?
A large proportion of vitamin B12 is found in animal offal, herring, eggs and cheese in particular.
To summarise, it can be said that the B vitamins can only develop their effect on the psyche, but also on energy and the ability to concentrate, if they are taken together. A sufficient supply is therefore vital for us, as the word “vita” (= life) already implies!
It is also very important that the need for B vitamins is increased during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Try to include foods rich in vitamin B in your diet as often as possible to boost your fat metabolism, protein metabolism and sugar metabolism and prevent illness.
However, it is often difficult to achieve an optimal intake of B vitamins despite a balanced diet of vegetables, meat, pulses and wholemeal products. It is therefore recommended to take B vitamins in the form of food supplements in addition to your diet. When making your choice, make sure that the food supplements contain the entire B complex!
The latest studies show that the intake of natural vitamins and vitaminoids (vitamin-like substances) is more efficient than the intake of vitamins produced in a laboratory.
Targeted health improvement through advanced micronutrient supplements. No utopia with our products, but already a tried and tested reality.