40 years of experience for your health
We are an Austrian research and development company. For more than three decades, our scientific focus has been on analysing nutrition-related complaints and searching for nutritional and physiological solutions. Why? Because, as current studies confirm, nutrition-related diseases are Europe’s biggest health problem.
How it all began
Back in the 1980s, Norbert Fuchs, pharmacist and founder of our company, ran a health food shop from which the first company, “Biopan GmbH”, developed in Mariapfarr. Even back then, the aim was to identify nutrition-related illnesses as such and to treat them with targeted nutritional medical measures. In line with the biological and causal concept, these nutritional measures were also intended to serve the prevention and aftercare of nutrition-related complaints.
Biopan becomes Ökopharm
In 1998, the company moved to its current premises in Moosham. In the course of the move, the name of the company was also changed to Ökopharm GmbH. The products were manufactured by the in-house sub-company vis vitalis GmbH.
From Ökopharm to NUTROPIA
In 2018, the Ökopharm product range was sold to the company Sanova. As the company name was identical to the product range, the decision was made to change the company name to NUTROPIA PHARMA. Even today, our products are still manufactured in our own production company.
We are an experienced pharmaceutical research and development company that has been involved in the search for high-quality sources of nutrients of the highest quality for 40 years. We see ourselves as a visionary pioneer of tomorrow’s nutritional medicine. We have made it our mission to address the major issues in nutritional medicine in order to compensate for nutritional deficiencies with well thought-out combinations that support physiological metabolic processes and enable the body to help itself.
NUTROPIA PHARMA endeavours to enable people to enjoy good health through sustainable research. In constant dialogue with biologists, doctors and pharmacists, we develop innovative preparations based on nutritional principles that have been scientifically proven in studies. The focus is on utilising the healing powers of nature. The complex structure of our preparations is defined by seamlessly coordinated vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which are delivered biochemically efficiently and on the basis of organic utilisation directly to where the body needs them and can process them further.
Targeted health improvement through advanced micronutrient
micronutrient preparations: with our products, this is no
utopia, but already a tried and tested reality.